Ships, Boats, Islands and Tesla Batteries for Solar Energy Storage

[jwplayer streamer=”rtmp://” provider=”rtmp” file=”news022219-iPhone.mp4″ hd.file=”news022219-1280.mp4″ image=””  width=”850″ height=”522″ html5_file=”″player=2]

14 thoughts on “Ships, Boats, Islands and Tesla Batteries for Solar Energy Storage”

  1. terrence o'neill

    Thinking about buying a Type 3 to learn the practicals, so I can build my electric homebuilt airplane — high speed at high altitude — with my patented supersonic fan, driven by a Tesla motor and batteries.

  2. I have both a Mitsubishi mini split heat pump and a Climatemaster Geothermal system.
    ClimateMater for the house has been in for 20 years and is about 380% efficient. (I don’t remember the EER rating being listed for it 20 years ago so I’m using the % efficiency rates that were available for both of the units at their time of manufacture to give the best comparison with the most accurate data I have for the units)
    Mitsubishi mini split is for the shop, has been in for 2 years and is about 220% efficient

    The main difference in the systems is one is ground source, the ClimateMaster, and the other is air.
    Ground source cost about double the air source up front but is worth it in the long run for energy savings.
    The efficiency increase coming from the difference in average ground temp compared to average air temps…which really helps the ground source shine in the summer months.

    I choose the air source for the shop because I’m only out there on weekends and have wood stove backup.
    For a house, ground source is the way to go unless for some reason you can’t bore holes for the ground loops.
    Also the air source is prone to icing problems if water drips into them from say the roof of the building they’re next to; also mice like the insulation their freon lines are covered with. Also snow drifts can cause problems.
    No issues with the ground source for the 20 years I’ve had it…other than once I had turn it off and on again to rest its control board after a very hot summer with no power outages…I wish windows only needed a reboot once every 20 years.

      1. Nope.
        It’s a 4 ton system so it has 4 wells. Water is pumped from the heat exchanger in the house into the 4 loops then back to the house/heat exchanger.
        It is 20 years old so it’s a forced air system. You can get new ones like Jack is talking about that use the mini split set up in the house so you don’t need forced air and all the ducts.

    1. The new CLimateMasters are fantastic – 48 SEER – they use about 1/3 of the power of a very recent normal air conditioner on the market. Our local HVAC assclowns are ALWAYS about 10 years back. I actually decided to put this in my house and kind of gave em a blank check to do it, and they hemmed and hawed and carried on so gawdawful I just finally gave up in exasperation. Kind of pricey equipment for me to do a project on it and it gets into a lot of very mundane running of pipes and wires and stuff around the house that I just don’t want to do myself.

      It’s hard to tell, but I think I could get most of the hardware online for about $16,000. It’s about $6-$8000 just in hardware to do a minisplit for this place. But of course the wells are the heart of it. I happen to live about 60 yards from the Missifreakingssippi river, so I’m guessing about 60 feet down is enough sand water to cool the whole state of New Jersey. So the whole thing is a little frustrating for me. I kind of start drawing this out for them and their eyes bug out and they’re sure I’m crazy. 10 years from now they will have installed 400 of them of course and be telling everybody what experts they are.

      Bunch of deplorables I’ll tell yah.

      1. Well it seems as though you might want to get jiggy with a guy who does a ditch witch real well, or a well driller . surly just drilling the hole without hitting water properly, would be good enough. But hey, I’m just another one of those guys that could be wrong on the internet. And I am far from trying to tell someone what to do. Thanks Jack.

      2. Jack, Give Rettbergs from Divernon Illinois a try.
        Jake Rettbergs a great guy.
        They’re the ones who put in both my systems nearly 20 years apart.

      3. Stanley A. Cloyd

        Your home rests on a lime stone bluff. You could very well hit water well before you get down to the river level. In LaGrange Missouri there is an artiesian spring that spews water from under the adjacent bluff all the time. Its high sulpher so it must be coming from deep.

  3. Really hoping the battery technology will be more advanced soon for more useful application, especially in remote areas. My buddy just came from a week-long trip, and he wished they got extra battery as power source on his RV. He’s getting a new set of tires from 4Wheelonline to prepare for a month-long trip, now with better solar panel kit and an extra battery.

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