That's about it for our joyride in the 1957 Porsche Speedster, now in electric version. I thought it was important to show you a little bit about how the car actually drives and what it's like to live with, and to talk a little bit about some of the issues surrounding electric cars. It's timely, apparently.
Today, Barack Obama has asked on television for each American family to change one lightbulb from incandescent to fluorescent. And I know you're all cheering about that. I'm not.
My father installed fluorescent lights in our home in 1959. This is 2009. This is a fire sword flashlight that uses the latest Cree MCE LED.
It was made by a guy in his garage up in Oregon. Thanks, William Johnson. Good work, by the way.
It's a work of art. This thing puts out 3,000 lumens. These LEDs will last for 50,000 hours.
And it's about a third more efficient than a fluorescent lightbulb. In the lab, they're already demonstrating about 160 lumens per watt, which is twice what this flashlight will put out. If you want to change a lightbulb, change it the right way.
In the meantime, there's a lot more at stake here than I think some of these people quite get. We're shoveling boatloads of money overseas right now to people who really don't like us. And I got to tell you, I'm not particularly fond of either.
And we could be facing some climactic changes that'll make life very uncomfortable for a lot of people. And I'm not talking about our grandchildren. I happen to know there's a couple of hundred thousand Wayne Johnsons out there with garages that can make flashlights.
And there's a couple hundred thousand Jack Rickards out there with garages that can make electric cars. I'm not going to ask you to change a lightbulb. I want you to go change the world.
And the difference between me and Barack Obama is I already know you can do it. Till next time.