EditoralsJune 16, 2015

Discover how a team of tech enthusiasts successfully revived a defunct electric vehicle and embarked on a groundbreaking project to harness Tesla's drive units for custom electric cars.

The whole is often greater than the sum of the parts. Like many technoids, I tend to live a bit isolated and removed from other humanoids. Yet over and over learn the same lesson. We are what those around us make of us.

Just a few weeks ago, Mark Weisheimer of Columbus Ohio and Byron Izenbaard of Kalamazoo Michigan very generously travelled to Cape Girardeau to address the tragic neglect leading to the demise of our Azure Dynamics eTransit Connect. Byron was particularly fascinated with this vehicle and rather talked Mark into launching a rescue mission.

With the attention span of a four-year-old, I was intently focused on other things, but ok, come on down. How fortuitous.

They were able to quickly address the problem and even performed conformal/potting compound surgery on the wake-on-charge module of the vehicle to get it up and running. But there was quite a bit of further fallout to come of it.

First, Mark on his return sent me a link to a Tesla Drive Unit offered for sale on eBay. After 30 seconds of considering the eggregious cost, endless difficulties, and total uselessness of a drive train that no one could use for any imagined purpose beyond boat anchor, I grabbed it anyway. Incredibly, within a couple of days I stumbled on another and grabbed that one too. Two totally useless 400 pound boat anchors. Jackpot.

Byron, having now not only fixed an eTransit Connect but driven it, returned home with eTransit lust in his heart. I told him I had found several Ford dealers who had had these things for several years without a sale, and then through the same cunning neglect technique I had used to disable mine, disabled theirs. Now what is a Ford dealer to DO with a disabled eTransit Connect? First, Azure, who was supposed to support the warranty work, had gone bankrupt. The dealer typically had $50,000 invested in a vehicle that was supposed to retail for $58750. Now it wouldn't work at all. How could they sell it, with the Ford logo emblazoned across the front, as a new vehicle, while explaining to the customer that it didn't run and the Ford dealer couldn't fix it, and couldn't tell them where or how to fix it?

This kind of outcome is NOT how to get auto dealerships across the land to become enthusiastic over electric cars.

In any event, within hours, Byron had located one and arranged a purchase at $6500 - somewhat off sticker price. And after a bit of fritzing around with it, got it on the road.

Byron is young and was completely flushed with the concept of the "hack team" and indeed we had gotten the errant Chevy Volt charger and the Coda UQM drive train to work. Even the Ebenspacher heater more or less heating. So he began talking up a "hack team meeting." He actually created an online survey of what dates might work for whom. And without really any input from us they decided to just have one on the weekend of June 12-14.

I'm normally a bit jealous of my weekends. You know, boating, camping, hiking, time with the family.... err...ok...in your dreams. Actually none of those. We shoot on Friday, edit all day Saturday, and upload on Sunday. A "weekend" is time off work for Byron. For EVTV, that IS the main part of the workweek and indeed there is no EVTV without it. But ok, cool, we will reroute all packets around the damage.

Then Collin Kidder made a very strange, actually an outrageous pronouncement. He believed he could get the Tesla Drive Unit to turn in a single day.

Collin has actually joined EVTV as a kind of part time remote staffer and we pay him a modest salary to fix my coding screwups. This has apparently swollen his confidence beyond all earthly bounds or so it sounded. Actually, he had been working on another project - a CAN analysis tool he calls SavvyCAN. SavvyCAN is interesting from a number of angles. First, he's used a development platform termed QT to compile the program separately for Windoze, Linux, and Mac OSX. Better, it seems to work. But the program allows you to capture and send CAN traffic in bulk. More better, it allows you to do some analysis on the messages that just goes way beyond what I can do with my admittedly rudimentary Excel skills.

We've also added a new full time staffer to replace Brian Noto. Bob Wilson drove from San Jose to join us. As we wanted to play with it anyway, we set out to mount one of the drive units on a brand new maple test bench. We used one of the better place battery packs as a power supply, and wired up all the connectors on the drive unit. Game on.

We quickly found from the service.teslamotors.com web site schematics that the inverter on the drive unit actually had a hardwired connection to a dual output accelerator. One of the hack team members offered that the part number of his Tesla throttle. We searched our friend eBay and found that that part number ALSO corresponded directly to a 2012 Ford Fusion hall effect accelerator. So we got one of those.

Connectors have been the bane of my existence for forty years now. But incredibly, the control input connector was a 23 pin Ampseal that looked oddly like the ones we use with the Brusa chargers. Actually, its the SAME one. The six pin on the Ford fusion was a little harder, but showed up by part number on the Tesla web site connector cross index. The four pin connector on the motor encoder did as well, but wherever we searched for this connector part number, it was either unobtainium, or in a couple cases we COULD get it with a 13 week lead time and a minimum order quantity of 20,000 units.

Byron again came to the rescue. He had a four pin connector on his desk at work that looked remarkably similar. He made some measurements, and offered that it might work. I ordered some, and it fit as if it were designed for that. It wasn't. Entirely different manufacturer and part number. It's still better to be lucky than good...again.

So we kind of raced through building a wiring harness for the drive unit, and a control panel to do the precharge and 12v and so forth to light up the drive unit.

We DID have one bit of an advantage. I had a Tesla Model S you can't see in the picture because it is right BEHIND the camera in the shop. And indeed, in ANOTHER bit of connector luck, we had located the mating connector to the Tesla diagnostics port, located under the center console. And so we had developed a kind of finished version of our CANDue CAN product specifically for the Tesla Model S. http://store.evtv.me/proddetail.php?prod=TeslaCANKit

And so we were able rather easily to capture traffic from the "Drive Train CAN Bus" on a live car.

As it turns out, yes, the throttle signal is hardwired into the inverter. And the brake signal is as well. But all the driving modes of the vehicle are really funcitons of the inverter. You select them on a touch screen, and that is sent as CAN control messages to the inverter. Sounds simple, but there are a lot of modes. CREEP ON and OFF, TRACTION CONTROL ON and OFF. STANDARD and RANGE modes to alter the power curve. STANDARD and LOW modes for regenerative breaking. There is even a PARKING BRAKE on/off selection in the vehicle. And of course the usual PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, and DRIVE.

Broadly, the way it works is that when you move the gear shift from PARK to DRIVE, a CAN signal is sent to the inverter. It puts itself into DRIVE mode, but to confirm, it also sends out a CAN message that effectively changes the instrument display so that P goes out and D lights up.

But it didn't give up easily. First, in all our SavvyCAN testing we had been kind of preoccupied with how fast the program can capture and record CAN messages. The Tesla spits out some 1500 frames per second. And we can't drop ANY frames or all is chaos. But we had rather failed to really ever test how fast it SENT frames. SavvyCAN has a function to send a whole captured or written file out on the port. But alas, when it came time to do it, we were pumping a heart pounding 7 frames per second OUT.

Fortunately Collin was here for the event. He quickly kluged a blunt force fix and we able to do the 1500 frames per second. Still no joy.

We all hold Tesla somewhat in awe. Some of the written descriptions on online forums such as Tesla Motors Club actually become bizarre. Because of the cellular network linkage to the car, they ascribe a god-like omnipotence to Tesla. And that all of Tesla's technology is a kind of other-world level of sophistication. There are many TEsla owners who wouldn't dare to connect anything to the diagnostics port as they are certain Tesla is "watching" them and would instantly notify them that their warranty is void if they took a peek into the workings of the car.

It is not in Tesla's commercial interest, obviously, to dissuade anyone from this view. But it does vary somewhat from reality. In even discussing using the Tesla drive unit, we received dozens of e-mails from well intended but largely unwashed viewers of all the reasons it wouldn't work and all the evil that would befall us. You would think the drive unit was some sort of Pandora's box and they feared not only consequences for EVTV, but indeed the entire world might be punished for religious infractions. The wrath of Tesla.

Even within the hack team members on sight, there was discussion of serial number verification, encryption, and various strategies Tesla might have used to prevent us from using their electric motor.

One knowledgeable offering was that the high voltage interlock circuit used some sort of magic 20 ma current loop and the inverter monitored this precisely. If it varied at all the inverter would not work. With some familiarity with the source, I proclaimed this bullshit but at the same time made provisions for providing it. Indeed, like ALL the OEM cars, there is an HVIL loop that basically removes high voltage if anyone has a cover off or a unit removed during maintenance. This is to prevent technicians from shocking themselves while working on the car actually. But the 20ma internal measurement within the Inverter was a bizarre concept. And while we carefully provided it, it had no effect at all, on or off. Its simply a loop through the inverter, monitored by some circuitry in the contactor box, to make sure it was physically connected.

Philisophically, it just makes no logical sense to me that Tesla would do ANYTHING to prevent us from using a drive unit out of a wrecked Tesla. What Tesla doesn't want is any expense to support that. It's an uncontrolled situation with too many questions. They can't provide technical support for such a thing. But I cannot imagine them actually going to any expense to prevent it either. What happens to your trash after it goes to the dump? You don't want to keep paying for it. But beyond that....

I believe their SECURITY concerns are properly focused on the car/planet interface - the cellular gateway. You don't want OTHER people to access your Tesla car. But you want to be able too.

Indeed, just like the Chevy Volt charger, at some point where production constraints go away, I see Tesla just selling the drive units over the counter. Get online and order one. Batta boom batta bing.

Of course, I could be wrong. Once an organziation reaches a certain size, their logical line of reasoning engaged in their own self interest becomes flawed. But there is no magic sauce, no mystical technology, no magic. It's all just software.

No the stopper was much more mundane and made a lot more sense. In my dotage, I have already pulled two J1772 charge stations OFF the wall and into the floor, and one J1772 charge port OUT of a car by the roots. I was moved to rig the yellow VW Thing where it couldn't drive while plugged in. Pity I didn't do the same thing to the Escalade.

Tesla does have a hardwired input from the chargers to the inverter. When you plug your Tesla into the wall, the inverter is aware of this and will not allow you to turn the motor under any cirmumstances. This is an input and with 12v applied to the inverter, we measured 3.3v on this pin with nothing connected to it. That looks like/sounds like the Vcc for a multiprocessor. And quite commonly, you will put a "pullup resistor" from such an input to the 3.3v power supply. This draws basically zero current, but the 3.3v is felt on the pin.

Let's say that this 3.3v represents a logic 1. How do we make it go to zero. If we attach a ground to the pin, we have completed the circuit from the power supply, through the pullup resistor to ground. But the input pin reads 0v. And so with no ground, we weren't turning. That tells me that an open would be read as an INHIBIT from the chargers. And a ground, conversely, would be an ENABLE. We grounded the pin, and the motor jumped to life.

This is not precisely the end of the story. We can turn the motor by playing back recordings of Tesla Model S CAN traffic. Ok, kind of limited known recordings. But there remains much work to work out what each message does. We start by tossing out messages one at a time until the motor won't turn. Those messages are obviously not needed. And then we have to decode the data in the messages that DO count. Non trivial.

But all that is doable. What was proven at this point is that it can be done. There are no "show stoppers".

Our Generalized Electric Vehicle Control Unit is of course our weapon of choice. But it was kind of designed to take accelerator inputs and convert them to CAN torque commands. In Tesla drive unit case, the throttle is hardwired. The CAN just represents modes. And those are driver selectable. So what we REALLY need is a human interface to enable the driver to select the mode, and the proper logic to prevent one mode from eliminating another (we can't be in DRIVE and REVERSE at the same time). And then some actually pretty simple CAN to convey those modes to the inverter. That looks like/sounds like a different device entirely. A touch screen interface much like that in the Tesla Model S. Only perhaps 5.5 inches across rather than 17 inches.

And so our goal is pretty simple, we want to develop and interace/controller and wiring harness anyone can connect to a Tesla drive train, and then install the whole into any vehicle they want to drive.

It's an exciting project. Why? Tesla is simply the top of the pecking order. They have the best cars and the highest performance. The P85, which both of the drive trains we have are and which is in my personal Model S, is a 416 hp (310 kW) and 443 ft·lb (600 N·m) drive train capable of 16,000 rpm. It includes a 9.73:1 reduction through the gear drive/differential. Our UQM Powerphase 100 and Siemens/DMOC645 offerings, by contrast are just over 100 kW, or 1/3 this power.

In Byron's eTransit Connect, the Siemens/DMOC645 system really seems perky - nice drive feel. That is a 5005 pound vehicle. Understand that when you put that in a 2400 lb VW Thing, with a multispeed transmission, the perceived performance is MORE THAN DOUBLED. And so you can see why I have been so enthusiastic about these drive trains. I know what they feel like.

Damien has put this same power plant in his heavier BMW E31 Der Panzer. And indeed, as it so happens, in this video and on the same weekend that we made the Tesla Drive Unit spin, Damien did his FIRST rollout of Der Panzer under its own power. This car is listed as 1830 kg or 4030 pounds at the curb. Still less than the eTransit Connect by 1000 lbs. So while I don't think you'll see Damien on the drag strip with this, I think he will find it MOST pleasant and responsive to drive. Again, he has a multispeed automatic transmission to leverage that power to good effect. The eTransit Connect is limited with its single speed gearbox.

But as Tim Allen was wont to say, - we need more power. We'll rewire that sucker. A Tesla drive train then becomes the highwater mark in what you could power a custom vehicle with if we can find a way to make it available.

It appears we can find a way. In my world, that means bigger badder more gorgeous custom electric cars.

We were not the only ones working on this problem as it turns out. We were just the first to pull it off. And not by much it appears.

Michal Elias, originally of Pardubice in the Czech Republic, currently resides in Geneva Switzerland and works at CERN as an RF design engineer. He sports a master's degree (electronic engineering) in robotics and cybernetics, with a bachelor degree in measurement, from the Czech Technical University in Prague. He announced first spin of the Tesla Drive Unit ONE DAY later on Sunday. Probably would have won the race except for a parking pawl issue he didn't take into account.

Elias took a different approach that I don't actually think will be very useful for using Tesla Drive Trains. Instead of controlling it with CAN mode commands, he bypasses the inverter control logic entirely. But it becomes interesting in and of itself for other reasons as you will see.

We've been corresponding with Elias for about six months. He's basically developed an AC motor controller board that can be married with almost any power switching device to drive ANY AC motor. His claim is that it can LEARN the important motor parameters without much intervention from the operator. It runs a series of automated tests carefully measuring votlage and current reactions on each phase. To demonstrate this, he wired it into a Chevrolet Volt inverter. He literally wires it into the gatedriver circuitry of the power electronics, bypassing the Volt control circuitry, and so can turn a Volt drive train.

He assured us he was waiting delivery of the latest version of his printed circuit board design and would send us one as soon as they came in. We've actually procured a Volt inverter and were sitting here waiting on it. I guess other things became more important as we never received our board. (This happens a LOT at EVTV. We've found the quickest way to get rid of somebody is to tell them YES).

We had originally located a Mercedes Benz B Electric prototype in Germany where it was for sale quite expensively. We pointed it out to Damien Maguire who talked about buying it. Or, I don't quite recall, all that MIGHT be entirely in reverse. Maybe Damien told us about it. IN any event, it is actually a different motor, different firmware, and we wanted nothing to do with it - shipping costs transatlantic being a big part of that. In any event, it appears Michel bought it and he claims VERY inexpensively (Take that Damien - lash/lash). It is definitely NOT a Tesla Model S motor, but was of course manufactured by Tesla specifically for Mercedes and IS quite similar.

In any event, Michal got it and actually disassembled the Inverter side anyway, which is educational. We learned, for example, that the Inverter is liquid cooled as well as the motor in kind of a cunning coolant routing scheme. The power electronics are quite compact. And indeed, that is our main problem wiht the whoel approach. The Tesla Model S drive train is remarkably compact. The entire unit is 32/12 inches long. Ok 34 if you count all the mounting tabs. In any event, what we admire most is that much power in that compact and tightly integrated a package. Disassembling and reconfiguring it somehow otherwise was not on our agenda.

But Michal's approach is really almost exactly what Damien did to the DMOC645. He replaced the usual controller board with an open source one. In this way, you do not have to reverse engineer the control interface. Just make up your own. And this is what Michal did to the Tesla Drive Unit.

Rather a bunch of wiring, but you get the idea. And so Sunday morning, less than a full day after we turned our Drive Unit, Michal turned his - slowly but in a very controlled fashion.

Long term, we are actually hoping to carry the Elias controller board as one of our products. Assuming of course that it can "learn" motors. We were actually more impressed that he got the Volt inverter to run the Tesla motor, than that he got the TEsla inverter to do so. That means a Volt inverter could conceivably turn a Siemens motor, or a UQM motor. More impressively, the Volt actually has TWO 110kw inverters in it. How about one very compact power unit to drive TWO UQM motors or Siemens motors.

Why not such a good idea with the Tesla Drive Unit? The Tesla unit is a marvel of a LOT of power in a very cunningly designed very compact integrated design. That is its main feature. Marrying in a largish controller board and/or breaking it into component pieces just isn't on our radar screen.

And again, one of our themes going forward is to use OEM components specifically so you can just drop in a new Tesla Drive Unit in place of the failed one, and obtain one anywhere they are available. Which hopefully will be anywhere. We want to minimize and isolate the additional hardware and software to marry it into the vehicle. Little low voltage CAN control boxes don't actually burn up. Power electronics do. CAN provides great isolation between the two.

So, different approach but a VERY interesting development and we will continue to follow this in the future. I would be tempted to put a pair of them on a dual Volt inverter and drive to motors from the same box.

We also had a bit of a brainstorming session about future projects for the EVTV Hack Team. One of the things Elon Musk announced at his Annual Shareholders meeting, other than the fact that he would certainly consider eliminating leather seats in order to save the cows, was the ongoing buildout of the Tesla Supercharger network. And part of that in 2016 includes a Supercharge station in Cape Girardeau Missouri it would appear. We may very well have a Supercharger here before we get a CHAdeMO fast charge station.

Wouldn't it be nice to know how to drive coast to coast on the Tesla Supercharger highway - using your 1960 Studebaker Champ pickup truck????

And what of our EVTV hack team. What motivates all these people from such diverse geographies to freely give of their time and treasure to these little projects with no hope of real financial gain?

They are a really good group of guys, thats what. I would feel deep guilt in taking advantage of them except for a little something I've learned over the years....

Elon Musk was talking in one of his many interviews on the topic of Tesla employees. He was actually at MIT and of course the MIT interviewer, knowing Elon himself was a Stanford Alumni, was trying to evoke an endorsement that if you wanted to work at Tesla, a degree from such a top tier engineering powerhouse like MIT or Stanford would be just the ticket. He was visibly shaken and indeed angered at Musk's reply. "We not only don't care if you graduated from MIT with an engineering degree - we don't care if you've ever attended university at all. We look for people who can do things. And we can tell pretty quickly if they were the ones doing it, or one of those watching it be done."

Our society and our economy is quickly moving to a two tier system. The haves and the have nots. But it isn't quite what the liberal elite would have you believe. It has nothing to do with Wall Street, Bankers, or who HAS the wealth and who doesn't have the wealth. We are quickly moving to a society delineated by technical competence. If you go to university for a degree in history or English literature, you're going to wind up having difficulty paying off your student loan with a minimum wage job at Sunglass Hut, no matter what they determine the minimum wage should actually be.

And if you actually CAN do stuff technically, it's kind of hard to hold a job. That's because within just a few years your stock options normally cause it to make little sense to keep going to work every day for a mere salary. Even if it is in the top 1%. In Tesla's Annual Shareholder Meeting, they also announced that their Chief Financial Officer, Deepak Ahuja, was leaving the firm. No, the company isn't in trouble and no, they haven't had a falling out. But as a multimillionaire now many times over, Mr. Ahuja does have a bucket list to work off and he isnt' getting any younger at age 51. A kind of once removed relative of mine had the same thing happen at Facebook - at age 31.

Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard almost immediately. Steve Jobs audited a single caligraphy class at a school his parents sent him to, but which he never actually attended. Zuckenberg dropped out of Harvard. Indeed the list of people DOING things in the tech world, starts to look like an ANTIDOTE to a university education. And in the land of Venture Capital and Silicon Valley, they have quickly learned not to rely on University credentials when investing money. Ok. It's true a PhD doesn't HURT your chances. They don't actually hold it against you - for the most part. But it doesn't do what you would think.

Mark Wiesheimer and I and several others are, ahem....well lets just say "past our sell-by date." But as we have ongoing pressing projects at EVTV, PLEASE don't mention to young people such as Collin Kidder, or Paulo Alameida or Byron Izenbaard, that if they ever did show up at Tesla Motors explaining that they reverse engineered the Tesla Drive Unit using hardware they built by hand and a CAN software library they coded from scratch for an Atmel SAM3X Arduino processor, I happen to know they would not be allowed to leave the property alive without accepting a job offer and signing a non-disclosure non-compete. They'll just send you down hall after hall, turn after turn, looking for the exit out of the building until you give up exhausted and agree to serve. It's just how the Valley works these days. And as to your degree certificate, "Ah yes. Pretty. Very nice. I'm sure your parents are very proud."

Moving in to the future, you are either in the tech industry or unemployed. I'm FASCINATED at the moment by Walmart. After years of criticism for their paying low wages, and providign LOTS of jobs to people just starting out, as well as geriatric pensioners looking just to augment their income and maybe get out of the house and mix with people in society, Walmart is throwing in the towel. Faced with an unknown and apparently unknowable obligation mandated by Obammacare, the very real threat of increases in the minimum wage, constant criticism in the press, they have loudly announced that they have had a change of heart and are going to pay EVERYBODY $16 per hour.

Isn't that great. I was in a new NEIGHBORHOOD Walmart this past month and was amazed find NINE SELF CHECKOUT LANES and a SINGLE checkout lane manned by a checkout boy (supervisor actually). I went to SAMS club for my Saturday lunch visiting the 12 wizened hags who man the little plug in fryers with their bacon bits and sausage samples. I was shocked to see 10 left but two BRAND NEW machines that offer free samples for a swipe of your SAMS CLUB card. No greeters either.

And then my brother reports that FIVE supercenters across the country all closed down simultaneously at exactly 2:00 PM one afternoon last month with NO notice to employees. They all have IDENTICAL "plumbing problems" and intend to reopen in two to three months. Care to wager how many "employees" get called back? Within two years you will select your products and put them into the bag on your cart, swiping them with your smart phone, and wave your smart phone at a swiping station on your way out the door. There will be about six $16 "supervisors" in the whole store to handle any "problems."

The unholy triumvirate of a government gone crazed with power to regulate businesses, allied with employees drunk with a sense of entitlement, is a powerful motivator to replace them all with unregulated robotics and technology. This is REALLY what's happening to "jobs" in America. The Chinese havent' taken all our manufacturing. We are manufacturing more than we ever have manufactured. There are just no people actually IN the buildings where that goes on. If you produce technology that feeds that need, you prosper mightily. And if you don't you are resigned to an ever shrinking labor force of people who take in each other's wash - at minimum wage.

The other strategy is outsourcing. In the past 40 years we have grown from 5 million to 30 million "companies". Each have a tiny handful of employees who make very low wages, and one owner who does pretty well. And there is plenty of business from large corporations who used to do that in house, but now outsource it.

Both trends are simply long term solutions to dealing with a government power crazed and tax drunk on making "employers" do the dirty work government doesn't want to do, while keeping the cash flow the goverhment wants to have.

In any event, we are inordinately pleased with the outcome this weekend. My many thanks to the Hack Team members who went to the distress of attending and to those contributing valuable ideas who did not. Congratulations to both Damien Maguire and Michal Elias on their simultaneous breakthrough events.

Exciting times. Stay with us.

jack rickard

Moreover, the warranty extension will apply retroactively to all Model S vehicles ever produced. In hindsight, this should have been our policy from the beginning of the Model S program. If we truly believe that electric motors are fundamentally more reliable than gasoline engines, with far fewer moving parts and no oily residue or combustion byproducts to gum up the works, then our warranty policy should reflect that.

To investors in Tesla, I must acknowledge that this will have a moderately negative effect on Tesla earnings in the short term, as our warranty reserves will necessarily have to increase above current levels. This is amplified by the fact that we are doing so retroactively, not just for new customers. However, by doing the right thing for Tesla vehicle owners at this early stage of our company, I am confident that it will work out well in the long term.

Does this mean my drive unit is still under warranty? Even though I bought it out of a wreck? I AM still a MOdel S owner.


The two VEGAN Shareholder proposals brought by "shareholders" at the Tesla Annual Shareholder Meeting both lost.

Mr. Mark Peters Proposal Number 1 went down 70,258,210 against to 614,771 FOR.

Ms. Elizabeth Farrel Peters Proposal 2 went down 66,998,279 AGAINST to 531,462 FOR.

As it turns out the two are married. And an even GREAT coincidence, they are married to EACH OTHER. Imagine their surprise then when they EACH found the OTHER at the event with an almost identical proposal. Surprise surprise! If only they had known. They might have found a way to resolve the differences in their proposals to present a single unified front. Or was that the point? Maximum face time. Maximum self aggrandizement. Maximum self importance.

Hillerary Clinton has vowed to get to the bottom of it and find out why Tesla paid MR. Peters 614,771 votes while MRS. Peters only got 531,462 votes - for essentially the same work. That's just 86 cents on the dollar - vote wise.

Of course MR. Peters is the majority shareholder - in his house in Hurst Texas at least - with 1540 shares. His wife had a scant 250 shares to vote.

And the lesson here is that if you are going to advocate something, be sure and do it with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.