EditoralsMay 22, 2023

As some may have noticed, there haven't been proper forums here in a long, long time. After the new server was setup a forum was poorly attempted by myself. Whoops, I messed that up! It became nothing but a pit of SPAM. So, those forums were deleted. There's a new sheriff in town: enter Discord. .

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However, time marches on and the means of communication change. And so it was that people don't always find forums to be all that much fun any longer. People in the 20's aren't necessarily hanging out on forums these days. Discord was originally meant for live streaming gaming and talking about games. But, the scope has expanded greatly over time. These days quite a lot of technical chatter has moved onto Discord, Slack, and other such multi-user messaging services.

Click here for an invite code for the EVTV Discord Server

Once you have accepted this invite (and potentially also signed up for Discord) you don't need that link any longer. Simply go to https://discord.com/channels/@me and you'll see all of the channels you are subscribed to. Discord has many advantages for us:

  1. It's multi-user and people can reply to each other. This will allow people to converse with others to offer tips and support
  2. It is available to run on everything from your PC to your toaster. Of particular note is that it works great on smartphones. This makes it easy to keep up with messages while on the go.
  3. It will notify people when new messages come in (optionally, you don't have to get notifications every time anyone posts). Of particular use here is that it will notify support staff more quickly when new messages occur.

Of course, messaging systems have some downsides. They don't lend themselves to lengthy discussions. They don't lend themselves to lengthy storage of information either. The info you need might be a discord channel a few thousand lines up and impossible to find. Let me know if anyone would be interested in an official EVTV Wiki where information could be stored long-term.

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